Purchase some of the selfdriven commissioned Art (NFTs).
Donate ADA to the project using the ADAhandle $selfdrivenx.
If you're a Cardano Stakepool Operator and would like to collaborate with us, then please connect with us.
All funds will be used to directly support the project as managed by the selfdriven Foundation.
Your art purchase / donation will be recorded on-chain as an SDS token.
You can purchase the art using your credit card or your Cardano wallet.
Each image will have a unique ID and be minted as a unique ARTi (artomics ID) token - allowing it to be traded.
Standard royality fee based on trading is 20%.
10% to creating artist.
10% to the selfdriven Treasury.
80% towards project funding as managed by the foundation.
You Are Also Supporting Refugees
The donated ADA is held at the $selfdrivenx address which is staked to the UN Refugee Agency stake pool WRFGS.
Interested in creating an art series?
Then join the artomics Discord server and send a message!
A deeper dive into project and community funding.
We work well with others, so if you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!